Lymphatic Support


The lymphatic system plays an important role in immunity; in fact, it is also called the immune system. It clears waste from the body and is a key component in the development of healthy cells. In Ayurveda, the immune system is called Rasa – river of life. When this lymph river is flowing, our immunity is strong and able to fight infection and foreign invaders. Unlike the circulatory system, which has the heart to pump it, the lymph moves only when we do.

Dry Brush then apply Body Oil – “Shodhana & Abhyanga”

A dry brush is a stiff brush with a long or short handle that is used on dry skin to invigorate the tissue for healthier lymph and blood flow. Use abrasive hand mitts or a loofa for the same effect.

Abhyanga is an Ayurvedic daily practice of nourishing your body with oil for tissue strength, good complexion; and connecting to self.

How to use:        Begin at the feet using brisk, upward invigorating motions towards your heart.

                             Continue until the skin is PINK – then move on – blood flow is building.

Also, brush the arms toward the heart and make sure to get in the soft of the arms and armpits.

After dry brushing, either take a shower or just apply body oil following the path of the lymph, rubbing the oil into the skin.

Oils that are good for each dosha:

VATA – Sesame, Maha Narayan, Ashwaganda, Castor

PITTA – Coconut, Hemp, Vitamine E

KAPHA – Olive, Sunflower, Bhringraj

Written by
Dana Valley